Mr. Bama Djokonugroho and Ms. Novi Pramita Rahmasari with the Colombian Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Juan Camilo Valencia and the Deputy Head of Mission of Colombian Embassy at Jakarta, Ms. Nelsy Raquel Munar Jaramillo, after the meeting at Colombian Embassy at Jakarta.

PRO Alliance was invited to have a meeting with the Colombian Ambassador to Indonesia

PRO Alliance was humbled to be invited by the Colombian Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Senor Juan Camilo Valencia, to discuss potential support that can be provided by PRO Alliance to Colombian company or businessman in connection with their ongoing or potential business interest in Indonesia. The meeting was a direct follow up to PRO Alliance participation in the 2019 Indonesia-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Forum (INA-LAC) that was held earlier this month.

During the meeting and its subsequent casual lunch with Ambassador Juan Camilo and the Deputy Head of Mission of Colombian Embassy at Jakarta, Ms. Nelsy Raquel Munar Jaramillo, our partners, Mr. Bama Djokonugroho and Ms. Novi Pramita Rahmasari, had the privilege to received various strategic and first-hand information on major ongoing and potential trades and investments by Colombian companies or businessmen in Indonesia as well as the challenges faced by these companies and businessmen.

In 2018, the total trade volume between Indonesia and Colombia was recorded for more than USD 159 million [1], with primary commodities including chemicals, consumer goods, plastics, rubbers and footwear as well as textile and clothing.

Following the successful achievements during the 2019 INA-LAC, i.e. the establishment of cooperation on export-import facility between the Indonesian Eximbank (Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia) and Bancoldex of Colombia, as well as the agreement to discuss the Term of Reference for Partial Trade Agreement between Indonesia and Colombia, PRO Alliance is confident that the investment and international trade volume between Indonesia and Colombia will only increasing further in the future.

With our good relationship with both the Colombian government (through its Embassy at Jakarta) and Indonesian government, PRO Alliance is committed to support and play an active role in both governments’ effort to increase our economic relationship.

For more information, please feel free to contact us!
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Mr. Bama Djokonugroho and Ms. Novi Pramita Rahmasari with the Colombian Ambassador for Indonesia, H.E. Juan Camilo Valencia and the Deputy Head of Mission of Colombian Embassy at Jakarta, Ms. Nelsy Raquel Munar Jaramillo, during casual lunch following the meeting at Colombian Embassy at Jakarta.

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