PRO Alliance and MERCOSUR-ASEAN Chamber of Commerce (MACC), accompanied by President of MACC Indonesia, Mr. Jorge Amadeo Garay, and Director of MACC Indonesia, Mr. Mahmud Riadh

PRO Alliance was participating in the 2019 Indonesia-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Forum

PRO Alliance was very pleased and honoured to be invited and participated in the 2019 Indonesia-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Forum (INA-LAC) at Jakarta and Tangerang, organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  The event was attended by representatives from more than 150 companies/entities coming from 21 Latin America and the Caribbean countries as well as from Indonesia. Our partners, Mr. Bama Djokonugroho and Ms. Novi Pramita Rahmasari, accompanied by our PRO lawyers, Mr. Reza Muhammad Noor and Mr. Panji Kartono Wididarma, attended the 2019 INA-LAC as part of our commitment to support the Indonesian government’s effort to increase our economic relationship and international trade volume with other countries.

The 2019 INA-LAC has successfully secured trade agreements and commitment for investment amounting to total of IDR 70.4 trillion (approx. USD 5.03 billion), in various business sectors such as mining, beauty & cosmetics, food & beverages, machinery spare parts, rubber product and furniture. Additionally, the 2019 INA-LAC also witnessed the establishment of cooperation on export-import facility between the Indonesian Eximbank (Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia) and Bancoldex of Colombia, as well as several important agreements by Indonesian government, inter alia, the agreement to discuss the Term of Reference for Partial Trade Agreement between Indonesia and Colombia; agreement on technical cooperation and capacity building for small and medium enterprises in Belize, Panama and Suriname; as well as the agreement to commence the dialogue toward negotiation of trade treaty between Indonesia and MERCOSUR1.

As the only group of commercial lawyers at the event, PRO Alliance endeavour to assist the Indonesian government by providing legal consultation and practical insight to the participants, particularly to the representative of foreign countries/entities, on the legal framework and procedures for investment and international trade from the Indonesian law perspective.

PRO Alliance would like to congratulate the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the huge success of 2019 INA-LAC, who has succeeded in surpassing the original target of USD 20 million in trade deals during 2019 INA-LAC. Going forward, PRO Alliance intend to always maintain our commitment and support for the Indonesian government’s effort to increase our economic relationship and international trade volume with other countries.

For more information, please feel free to contact us!

1MERCOSUR is a South American trade bloc established in 1991, with current full members including Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Bolivia is currently still in the process of accession to become full member.

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