PRO Alliance – 2019 Season’s Greetings

Dear friend,

As we are approaching the end of 2019, on behalf of everybody at PRO Alliance, I would like to extend our season’s greetings and our best wishes for you and your loved ones in the upcoming year of 2020.

2019 was a very busy and important year for us at PRO Alliance as this year marked our formal establishment on April 24th. Within the past eight (8) months, we are very grateful and proud of our accomplishment and rapid growth.

While we are starting from a very humble beginning earlier this year, currently PRO Alliance has developed into a formidable team led by our three (3) partners with support from our network of eighteen (18) local professionals/PRO consisting of lawyers and notary public, with presence in eleven (11) cities within eight (8) provinces in Indonesia. We are happy to share that at this juncture we are in the process to adds more partners as well as local PRO to join our ranks, and we are looking to have our presence in additional twelve (12) cities within ten (10) provinces in early 2020. We are planning to have at least one lawyer in every province by the end of 2020.

By having our local lawyers and professionals readily stationed across Indonesia, we aim to become a powerful and reliable ally for our clients by providing high quality and effective solutions for every problem with optimum efficiency, utilizing our vast network of capable and trustworthy PRO.

Additionally, we are also humbled that PRO Alliance has been trusted to assist many reputable clients in wide ranging matters, from assisting our client in high value contract negotiations to successfully defending our client in a cassation proceeding before the Indonesian Supreme Court. Further, PRO Alliance was also humbled to be the only law firm that participated in INA-LAC 2019 to assist the Indonesian government’s effort to increase international trade with Latin American and Caribbean countries. It’s truly an honour to be trusted and supported by both Indonesian and foreign ambassadors to assist in providing solutions to the challenges faced by foreign companies and businessmen in their potential trades and investments in Indonesia.

Most of all, we are most grateful to have great supports from our clients, colleagues and friends. Without such incredible positive synergy and collaboration, we wouldn’t be able to have all the above accomplishments. In this good opportunity, we would like to thank you and extend our sincere appreciation for your support. We are hoping that we can continue to rely on such valuable cooperation in the years to come.

We trust that our clients as well as our friends and colleagues, particularly your good selves, were also having a great year so far. Nonetheless, we sincerely hope that you will have a more positive and productive year in 2020. We are looking forward to collaborating with you again next year in any of your business endeavour in Indonesia.

In the meantime, we trust that you will have a joyful and relaxing time with your loved ones during this holiday season. We wish you a very happy holiday season, and a new year of health, happiness and prosperity.

Warmest regards,
On behalf of everybody at PRO Alliance

Bama Djokonugroho
Managing Partner

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