Hukumonline’s Top 100 Indonesian Law Firms for 2022

PRO Alliance are proud to share that we have been listed as Top 100 Indonesian Law Firms for 2022 by Hukumonline. Aside from making it to the list, PRO Alliance also shortlisted for the Rising Star Law Firm of the Year and Midsize Full-Service Law Firm of the Year category.

Hukumonline is the leading and the largest publication for Indonesian legal community and industry, with more than 3 (three) million of readers and 10 (ten) million page views each month. The Top 100 Indonesian Law Firms is an annual rankings of published by Hukumonline intended to serve as reference for finding the best law firms in Indonesia.

This recognition is possible only due to the continuing trust and support by our precious colleagues, friends and clients. While the last couple of years has been difficult and uncertain for almost all business sector, their generosity allows for PRO Alliance to not only survive but also thriving in the face of such hardship.

Therefore, we would like to extend our most sincere and deepest gratitude to all of our colleagues, friends and clients. We are hoping that we can continue to rely on our precious relationship and have more collaboration in the future, and we trust that you know that you can always rely on us to assist you in any matter within our capability.

Kindly find below the link to access the full article by Hukumonline:

Ini Dia Deretan Law Firm Terbesar di Indonesia 2022

Memasuki tahun kelima, Hukumonline Kembali menggelar Survei Kantor Hukum Indonesia Tahun 2022 (Top 100 Indonesian Law Firms 2022). Ada yang berbeda dari survei kali ini.

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Ini Jajaran Pemenang Rising Star Law Firm 2022

Kategori Rising Star dihadirkan perdana pada survei Hukumonline tahun 2022 guna menelisik kantor hukum yang baru berdiri lima tahun terakhir pada rentang tahun 2018 sampai 2022 dalam lingkup praktik masing-masing.

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