Ms. Mita with the Indonesian Ambassador for Ecuador, H.E. Diennaryati Tjokrosuprihatono and Member of DKI Jakarta House of Representative, Mr. Wibi Andrino

PRO Alliance was participating in Indonesia-Ecuador Business Forum at Guayaquil and Quito, Ecuador

PRO Alliance is pleased to share that our Partner, Ms. Novi Pramita Rahmasari, was participating in the event “Doing Business With Indonesia“, organized by the Indonesian Embassy in Guayaquil and Quito, Ecuador, in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia Trade Promotion Center Mexico City, and Indonesia Eximbank.

Ms. Mita was the only Indonesian lawyer attending the event, and was there based on exclusive invitation from the Indonesia’s Ambassador to Ecuador, H.E. Diennaryati Tjokrosuprihatono.

The event was an effort from Indonesian government to improve economic relationship and to increase the trade volume between Indonesia and Ecuador. Currently, Ecuador is Indonesia’s 5th largest trade partner in South America. On the other hand, Indonesia is Ecuador’s 16th largest export destination and its 19th largest importer country. Earlier this year, the two countries has also established the Working Group on Trade and Investment which discussed various concern related to trade and investment between the countries, among others, tariff reduction. market access, trade facility, customs procedure and priority investment sector.

Based on the data at the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, the total trade volume between Indonesia and Ecuador for the fiscal year of 2017 and 2018 were USD 148 million and USD 228 million, respectively. Major trade commodities between the two countries including machinery/motor equipment, rubber, paper, cacao, tobbaco and fresh cut flower.

PRO Alliance is confident that the economic and trade relationship between Indonesia and Ecuador will only continue to grow, and there is huge potential and abundant opportunities for cooperation between businesses in Indonesia and Ecuador. PRO Alliance is committed to continue our active participation and contribution to the development of this mutually beneficial relationship between the two countries, by assisting businesses from both countries in various aspect of their business activities.

For more information, please feel free to contact us!

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